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  • Banzai Financial Wellness

Banzai Financial Wellness Program

As a member, your financial wellness is important to us. That is why Town & Country provides free financial education resources to help equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to tackle life’s financial challenges.

One way we do this is with Banzai — an interactive financial education platform that can answer your financial questions and support you on your financial journey through life. Banzai includes a comprehensive, easy-to-use suite of tools on the financial topics you care most about including savings, budgeting, housing, life changes, debt and credit, investing, retirement, insurance, taxes and more.

Take a Financial Health Check Up

Wondering where you really stand when it comes to your personal finances?

The Banzai Financial Wellness Assessment lets you analyze your spending, budgeting, and saving habits so you can reflect on how you’re currently managing your money. This assessment can help you focus on your financial habits and choices and provides specific recommendations where you can adjust to help reach your goals.

Before you know it, you will be packing up your child to send them off to college or be shopping for your younger student’s new backpack. Getting the kids ready to head off to school can be expensive for any family. Banzai has some helpful tips and strategies to help manage your back-to-school planning and spending.

The Cost of College Life

College can be expensive. Here are some of the most common college costs you will want to plan for so you and your student can be prepared when the time comes.

College Budget Breakdown

The cost of a college degree is so much more than the price of tuition. You need to factor in things like, lodging, travel, food and fun. Learn about how to plan for all the many expenses here.

Spending Money

Learning when and what to spend money on is an important part of money management. Here are a few things you want to think about.

Financial knowledge begins with a click. Explore all the Banzai Financial Wellness resources today.

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